Illumination, Transformation, Enlightenment
Illumination, Transformation, Enlightenment
Lemurian Healing Energy
Lemurian Healing Energy

Lemuria was a golden age, predating Atlantis, where the love of Mother Earth, nature and all life forms were honoured and respected.
The Lemurians through their collective consciousness eminated unconditional love and high vibrational energy from their heart space to the Planet.
At the end of the Lemurian Age, their legacy was the gift of Lemurian Healing Cystals for humanity to find when the time is right…now is that time!
This is a wonderful opportunity to work with this amazing healing energy and to show gratitude for all we receive each day from our Earth Mother.
If you would like to become an active participant in sending healing to Mother Earth and all her life forms, please do email me for further information.